The Chickens

As of June 29th 2023 we have chickens. We have 5 Rhode Island Reds females and 1 Rooster. We also have 12 Leghorns with a Rooster for them. I was not to sure about having Roosters but I guess they can be important to have onsite. One may end up in the barn with the Goats if he cant behave himself. Once they leave the cages and have more room and the others catch up in size things may work out.

Update: I have released the chickens from the small cages to the coop and small run area. I built some additional roosts for the chickens and the White Leghorns were the first to make use of them. Some of the Reds eventually found their way up to the roosts but the others still huddle down below.

Update October 2023: Lost 2 of the Rhode Island Red Hens to unknown cause. Possibly from being egg bound.

Some pictures from fall time 2023

Egg Comparison - Pullet to regular Store bought

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Left is a Rhode Island Red Pullet egg, first one laid Then 2 white leghorn pullet eggs from ones that have been laying about a week or 2 Then the far right is a Store bought egg (Large)